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How to Advertise Your Coaching Business: Effective Tactics to Attract Clients

by | Nov 22, 2023 | Advertising | 0 comments

Advertising your business is sometimes about being in the right place at the right time.

You might be sitting beside someone on the train struggling with a problem. And there you are, ready to start a conversation about how you are a life coach and have the perfect solution for them.

Sometimes, advertising is less about accidental opportunities and more about putting yourself in the right place.

We’ve put together some tips and ideas to help inspire you when promoting your coaching business. Read on to learn about how to advertise your coaching business in 2023.

Create an Attention-Grabbing Message

If you want to advertise your coaching business, there is one principle to keep at the forefront of your mind. You have seconds – and often split seconds – to grab someone’s attention.

So, you must fine-tune your headlines to help them stand out. These handfuls of words will do much of the heavy lifting for you, so make them count.

The best types of advertising have a masterful grasp of these. There are many famous and ingenious examples of compelling headlines.

Take the Chevrolet Corvette, which ran an ad with the headline, “They don’t write songs about Volvos.”

Try different ideas until you find the winning formula. If you aren’t sure what will work best, run a test ad online with two headlines to see which gets the most clicks.

Master Social Media

Many types of coaching businesses use social media to get noticed. It will help you reach a larger audience and connect meaningfully with potential customers.

Use it to showcase your coaching credentials and provide valuable advice to your target audience. That could be via live video, eBook links, or a webinar invitation.

Start conversations with people in your field. It will help you become an authority figure, gaining visibility when advertising your coaching services.

To use social media to its fullest, always stay consistent and add fresh content daily. And ensure your profile makes it clear what you offer as a coach, including a link to your coaching business website.


You may wonder: where can I advertise my life coaching business online? One answer is Google. If people are searching for a coach, many will start that search on Google or Bing.

You must appear as high on the search results as possible for the most relevant keyword searches. That will bring you relevant traffic that you can convert into new customers.

To master SEO, start by researching your target audience. You need a clear idea of what phrases and words they type into Google when searching for coaching services.

Next, create a content plan with a blog post for each keyword. You want to write relevant content that helps answer your audience’s questions and steers them towards your services.

Always set up Google Analytics to see if your SEO efforts are having the results you hoped to see.

Invest in Promotional Merchandise

You’ll find that many coaches will try a similar route to attract clients: SEO, social media, and some paid ads. So, to help you get noticed, it’s worth doing something out of the ordinary.

It will help you stand out. One tried-and-tested way is by investing in promotional merchandise.

You can give your customers these physical products to make your business more memorable. For example, you could give away a branded mug with your coaching business name and slogan on the front.

This tactic reinforces your brand image, and it’s an advertising technique that will continue working for you every time someone picks up that mug. From that perspective, it’s fantastic value for money.

For example, compare it to paid ads.

With an ad, you’ll part with your cash every time your ad appears on your customer’s social media feed. With a custom-branded mug, you buy it once, and it works for you repeatedly.

Create a Referral Scheme

Relationships are the driving force behind many successful coaching businesses. If you can build a network of peers, entrepreneurs and friends, you can use that to help advertise your business.

One way is via a referral scheme. You can reward a partner financially when they refer a new client to your business.

It’s ideal if you have a happy customer who wants to recommend you to their friends. Another slight variation of this approach is an affiliate scheme.

You’ll create a reward system for when another business owner refers traffic to your website or leads to your email list.

It’s cost-effective because you only pay once you get a lead. So you aren’t taking any financial risks with your advertising.

How to Promote a Coaching Business Via Webinars

A webinar will help you showcase your expertise in your niche. Create a landing page that will act as an invitation form.

Your audience can enter their email address to register for the webinar. You can advertise this webinar via a paid ad, or you can use social media.

When you run your website, spend around 80% of your time giving valuable information to your audience and the other 20% promoting your services.

Try answering a pressing question that you think your target customer often has that relates to your coaching service.

How to Promote Your Coaching Business Using Email Marketing

Email is a valuable place to promote your business because once someone is on your email list, you can market your services repeatedly. Use a landing page to attract people to sign up and offer an incentive.

A free coaching session, eBook or video series are all valuable ways of appealing to your target audience.

Remember to email your list with valuable tips, advice, and promotions. You must show your subscribers the value of remaining on your list.

How to Advertise Your Coaching Business

The beauty of advertising is that you don’t have to be boring. You don’t even need to do the same as everyone else.

In learning how to advertise your coaching business, you’ll find that the most unique and creative ideas are often the best.

Why not try your hand at some branded merchandise? You can order a custom-printed mug from Prince William Pottery. Head here to browse our products.


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