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7 Unique Employee Appreciation Day Gift Ideas

by | May 9, 2024 | Company Improvement | 0 comments

Employee Appreciation Day is a special occasion to recognize and celebrate the hard work and dedication of your employees. It’s a day to show gratitude for their contributions and to boost their morale. The day is celebrated each year on the first Friday in March, and it’s a perfect opportunity to give your employees a unique gift to show them how much you appreciate their work.

Not only is it great for you to show your appreciation for their hard work, but it actually improves their performance as well. In a study done by Harvard Business Review, they found that productivity increased by as much as 25% when employees were given even just a small gift.

So, if you’re looking to boost productivity and show your employees how much you value them, here are 7 unique gifts for employee appreciation day.

What Makes Great Employee Gifts?

The perfect employee appreciation gift is one that reflects thoughtfulness, acknowledges their individual interests or needs, and conveys genuine gratitude for their hard work and commitment.

An ideal gift would be personalized, useful, and meaningful, demonstrating that you value not just their professional contributions but also who they are as individuals.

It should resonate with the employee, making them feel truly appreciated and seen. A great gift goes beyond the monetary value, embedding a sense of recognition and boosting their morale and motivation.

business owner providing a gift to employee on employee appreciation day

Here are some simple guidelines to follow when looking for the perfect thank you gift for employees:

  • Know Your Employees: Understand their interests, hobbies, and what they value. This knowledge helps in personalizing gifts and making them more meaningful.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Opt for a quality gift over something cheap that may not last or be of use. A well-made gift shows you value their contribution and relationship.
  • Keep It Appropriate: Ensure the gifts are professional and appropriate for the workplace. Avoid items that could be misconstrued or cause discomfort.
  • Inclusivity Matters: Choose gifts that are inclusive, considering the diverse backgrounds and beliefs of your employees. Avoid gifts that may inadvertently exclude or offend.
  • Add a Personal Touch: Whenever possible, add a personal note of thanks with the gift. This small gesture can significantly enhance the value of the gift.
  • Consider Practicality: Gifts that can be used either in the workplace or in their personal life tend to be appreciated more. Practical doesn’t mean boring.
  • Don’t Buy Generic: Avoid generic gifts that lack thought and personalization. Personalized gifts go a long way in showing genuine appreciation.
  • Avoid Gift Cards: While gift cards may seem like an easy option, they often lack thought and may come across as impersonal. Consider more thoughtful alternatives instead.

With these guidelines in mind, here are some unique gifts for employee appreciation day to get you started:

1. Custom Branded Mugs

Custom branded mugs make for a thoughtful, practical, and affordable gift. You can choose to personalize the mug with your company logo or add a heartfelt message of appreciation. Employees can use it at work, home, or even as a display piece on their desk.

This personalized approach not only echoes your appreciation of their unique contributions but also serves as a constant reminder of their importance to the company. Such a thoughtful gift transforms a simple mug into a workplace keepsake, fostering a deeper sense of belonging and appreciation among your employees.

Furthermore, every sip from their custom mug becomes a moment of motivation, reminding them of their valued place within the team.

There are also plenty of options when it comes to choosing a mug for your employees. Whether you’re looking for a budget mug to hand out to everyone or a higher end heat-sensitive mug, there is something for every budget and preference.

custom branded mugs for employee appreciation day

2. Personalized Desk Accessories

Desk accessories such as pens, planners, and notebooks are practical gifts that can be easily personalized with an employee’s name or initials. These items are useful in any work setting and add a personal touch to their workspace.

You can also consider adding a motivational quote or a company logo to make the gift more meaningful. These small but thoughtful gifts show your employees that you value their work and want to make their job a little more enjoyable.

3. Gift Baskets or Boxes

A gift basket or box is a versatile and customizable option that allows you to include a variety of gifts in one thoughtful package. You can include items such as chocolates, snacks, candles, or even small tech gadgets depending on your employees’ preferences.

You could also consider partnering with local businesses to showcase their products and support your community while providing unique gifts for your employees.

These are for companies that have a bit more budget to spend and want to make a grand gesture of appreciation for their employees. Making them an ideal gift for staff appreciation day.

4. Educational Classes or Learning Experiences

Investing in your employees’ personal and professional growth is one of the best ways to show your appreciation for them. Consider giving them the gift of a class or learning experience that aligns with their interests or career goals.

This could be anything from a cooking class, language lessons, online courses, or even tickets to a conference or workshop relevant to their field. Not only does this gift show that you value their development, but it also enhances their skills and knowledge, making them more valuable to the company.

It’s a win-win!

employee happy with her new gift

5. Team Outing or Social Activity

In addition to individual gifts, consider organizing a team outing or social activity as a way to thank your employees for their hard work. This could be a team lunch, happy hour, or even a fun team-building activity.

However, don’t go with the old buying everyone pizza routine. Instead, try to create a unique and memorable experience that your employees will appreciate and enjoy.

Not only does this show your appreciation for their contributions as a team, but it also allows them to bond and strengthen their relationships with one another outside of work. This gift can increase employee morale, foster teamwork, and improve company culture.

6. Personalized Desk Plate Sign

A personalized desk plate sign can be a excellent work appreciation gift ideathat makes every employee feel recognized and valued. Such a sign can feature the employee’s name, their title, or even a fun nickname, along with the company logo.

Not only does it add a professional touch to their workspace, but it also fosters a sense of identity and pride in their role within the company.

Opt for materials like wood, metal, or high-quality plastic to ensure durability and an elegant look.

This affordable yet impactful token of appreciation can significantly boost morale and motivate employees by acknowledging their unique position and contribution to the team.

7. Tech Accessories

Tech accessories are both practical and exciting gifts that cater to the daily needs of your employees. Items like wireless chargers, noise-canceling headphones, and ergonomic mouse pads enhance the work experience by marrying functionality with comfort.

For instance, charging pads offer convenience and reduce clutter on the desk, making them perfect for employees who use smartphones or other wireless-charging compatible devices for work.

Noise-canceling headphones, on the other hand, can help create a distraction-free environment, improving concentration and productivity, especially in open-office layouts or for remote workers.

Choosing high-quality, durable accessories shows that you value both your employees and the tools they use to perform their tasks. It’s a thoughtful way to acknowledge their hard work and the challenges they overcome in the digital aspects of their jobs, making these gadgets more than just gifts – they are tools for success!

work desk with custom branded mug gift from employee appreciation day in the uk

Bonus Gift Idea: Thank You Notes or Letters

Sometimes, the best way to show your appreciation is through a simple thank you note or letter.

Taking the time to handwrite a personalized message thanking your employees for their hard work and contribution can go a long way in making them feel appreciated and valued. The key here is to handwrite them, as it adds a personal touch and shows that you took time out of your day to express your gratitude.

You could also consider adding a small gift card or token with the note, such as a coffee shop gift card or a box of chocolates, for an extra special touch. It’s a small token of appreciation for employees who go above and beyond in their work.

Unforgettable Gifts for Employee Appreciation Day

Choosing the perfect gifts for Employee Appreciation Day doesn’t have to be a stessful task. With a little thought and effort, you can select gifts that show your employees how much you appreciate their hard work and dedication.

By considering the gift ideas listed above, you can find something that truly resonates with your team’s unique preferences and your company’s culture, while also staying within your company budget.

Whether you’re looking for a Christmas employee gift idea, empoyee appreciation day gift, company anniversary present or just a simple way to show your employees how valued they are throughout the year, the key to giving great gifts is to personalize them and make them meaningful.

These thoughtful gestures not only show appreciation but also enhance employee motivation, loyalty, and overall job satisfaction.


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