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Battle of the Swag: Promotional Mugs vs. Promotional Pens

by | Jan 15, 2024 | Branded Merchandise | 0 comments

It’s no secret that you need to get your name out there to do better business. In fact, about 71% of consumers aren’t likely to shop with you if they don’t recognise your brand, even if you can demonstrate superior quality.

There are endless ways to promote your business, both online and off. The question is, which methods are going to get you where you need to go?

Today, we’re going to look at a battle royale that no one’s talking about nearly as much as they should: promotional mugs vs. promotional pens.

Which type of swag will win the fight? The only way to find out is to keep reading!

The Audience

Have you ever heard of the home team advantage? The idea is that when a team plays in their own field, they tend to perform better because the stands are packed with their excited, cheering fans.

When we’re talking about the toss-up between promotional mugs and promotional pens, the audience does matter. In this case, the audience is the group of people who are going to receive your promotional materials.

When you’re creating promotional products for B2B marketing, pens make a great deal of sense. After all, who uses a pen more often than a business person? On the flipside, when you’re creating promotional products for B2C marketing, mugs are often seen as more desirable than a run-of-the-mill pen.

The Look

Any good fighter knows their wardrobe is a huge part of their persona. What they wear supports their signature move and tells a story about who they are.

In business marketing, aesthetics are key. Not only do you want everything you send out into the world on behalf of your business to look polished and professional, but you need it to represent what you do.

Pens run the gamut from cheap and lightweight to sophisticated and elegant, but there’s one thing they can’t provide, and that’s space. On a mug, you can print your full logo big enough that every detail stands out. A study of effective logo designs found that the more descriptive a logo is, the bigger an impact it makes on the viewer.

The Arena

No matter what, you’re using promotional products like mugs and pens to connect in the flesh. Social media is great, but it can’t take the place of offline marketing or the chance to build a personal connection.

Still, offline marketing is multitudinous, with tons of arenas to choose from. Where your fighter is entering the ring will make an impact on which kind of promotional products to use.

For example, you might go with pens at a trade fair, where attendees will be bogged down with bulky swag. If you’re hosting your own event or you’re hoping to sell your promotional products in other retail locations, mugs are the clear winner.

The Stamina

When you’re training a prized fighter, you don’t focus on bulk and strength, alone. Stamina will keep your fighter on their feet longer so they can tire their opponent out before going in with the heavy blows.

In terms of stamina, promotional mugs have the clear advantage. If the idea is to get a client or customer to use your promotional product as much as possible, the ink on a pen is going to dry out while a mug is going to last for years to come.

What, you may be wondering, if the mug breaks? When you work with the right pottery experts, you’ll design a durable mug that can take its fair share of slips, falls, and machine washes.

The Function

Fair-weather fans are all well and good, but how do you inspire your audience enough to make them fans for life? You give them a product they’re going to use again and again.

Promotional pens can make their way onto desks and into suit pockets, ready to be used several times a day. A businesswoman might use your promotional pen to sign contracts. A consumer might use your promotional pen to write grocery lists.

A mug may be used only once a day or even once a week, making its way into the cycle of cups people keep in their cupboards. Yet, they’re likely to spend more time looking at the mug warming their hands than the pen clutched in their fingers. In this case, pens may have a higher frequency of use, but mugs make a bigger impact.

The Cost

Puns and metaphors aside, it’s hard to put your marketing ideas to good use when they don’t quite fit your budget. There’s a good chance that you’ll pay less per unit for an order of promotional pens than an order of promotional mugs. It may turn out that pens are better suited to your finances.

Before you throw in the towel on mugs, it’s helpful to know how much they do cost to order, and it’s probably less than you think. For example, you can order our popular Sanfield mug for as low as £1.30 per mug. The classic Lincoln mug is even less, at £1.10 per mug.

When you start calculating return on investment, it may turn out that mugs are back in the budget-friendly category. Because they tend to hold the attention of their audience for longer, they may lead to more brand awareness and more sales. If you choose to sell them at your local market, you’ll turn a bigger profit per mug than you would selling pens.

Looking for Promotional Mugs? Call Prince William Pottery

So, what’s the ultimate outcome in the battle of the swag? While promotional pens have always and will always have their place in business marketing, promotional mugs tend to steal the show. They’ve got style and stamina, and make a lasting addition to anyone’s desk or kitchen shelf.

If you’re looking to bulk up your marketing ideas in 2024, Prince William Pottery is here to help. Our business dates back to 1937, when our founder was making a name in glassware and china, giving us the expertise to craft the highest-quality mugs. Send us a message or shop our full collection to get started on your next order.

Also, check out our guide on the mistakes to avoid when ordering promotional products, to make sure you get the most out your promotional items.

Related Articles: 12 Effective Promotional Products for Schools and the Education Sector

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