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How to Leverage Brand Awareness Tools Into Future Sales

by | Nov 29, 2023 | Branding | 0 comments

Brand recognition is one of the most important things that can help a small business succeed. It’s so important that the average business dedicates about 13.6% of the company’s budget towards marketing.

If you have the right brand awareness tools and the right marketing strategy, it will pay dividends with future sales. Read on to find out how brand recognition creates more loyal customers.

What Is Brand Awareness?

Before we can talk about how this helps with sales, you have to understand exactly what brand awareness is. Essentially, this is when people recognise your company without them having to think too much about it.

This can happen in a few ways. It can be subtle colour combinations, the shape of your logo, the logo itself, a jingle that you play during commercials, your slogan, and more.

The point is that there is something that clearly defines your company to customers. As a result, they think about you, and your company is on their minds when they are considering making a purchase.

Building Trust

One of the biggest reasons why you need to have brand awareness is to build trust with your target audience. When someone recognises your brand, that means they know who you are and know what you stand for.

As a result, it’s likely that the person has some level of trust in your brand. This is already a major step in the right direction when trying to convert a customer.

Why is trust so important? About 81% of people consider it an important factor as to whether or not they do business with an organisation. On top of this, 95% of people are likely to remain a customer with a brand that they trust.

Considering how much cheaper it can be to retain a customer than trying to replace one, that is a huge advantage for companies that can win that level of trust from their customers. On top of this, they could end up gaining a lifetime customer for many decades to come.

Assuming that your business is around by then, that means that you have years of sales ahead with just one customer.

Spreading the Word

Gaining trust in customers is not just limited to winning one person over. You can end up potentially winning the trust of that customer’s entire social circle. That includes all of their friends and family.

Why is this? Because if a customer has a good experience with your business, they’re likely to recommend it to their friends and family. About 94% of customers do this.

People are also very likely to place a high level of trust in a brand recommended to them by friends or family members. So, when the time comes, they may think of your brand over other alternatives.

As a result, you slowly start to grow your customer base and create even more brand awareness.

Brand Awareness Tools

Now that you have a better understanding of brand awareness and how it can help your business, it’s time to talk about some of the tools that you can use to help spread the word.

Let’s take a look at one of our products for this. You need something that people can see regularly and something that people can promote in casual environments.

A good example of this is to put your brand logo on a coffee mug.

It’s a constant reminder to your customers that your brand exists. If they’re people who have a cup of coffee every day, one of the first things they will see every morning is your brand logo.

If you want to take this a step further, you can put some essential information on there such as your company’s phone number and website. The point is that you’re getting it on products customers will use regularly.

It also helps if they are someone who likes to have a cup of coffee in their own company office. Their co-workers may see the mug and ask them more about it. This is an opportunity for your customers to unintentionally create more brand awareness for your business.

Having merchandise like this available to the public will help spread the word about your company much faster.

Measuring Success

It may be difficult to put a concrete number on how much brand awareness helps your future sales. However, there are ways to get a better idea of this.

Let’s say that your company did decide to put your brand logo on some branded coffee mugs. Then, you distribute them to the public. When this happens, you need to measure a few things.

You can take a look at your overall sales numbers. Did you notice a decent bump after people started acquiring your coffee mugs? Or did your numbers remain the same?

Keeping track of these numbers and reviewing them once in a while is a good measurement to see how your brand awareness campaign is doing. If you’re not noticing enough results, it may be time to change your strategy.

Get Help With Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is a crucial component when it comes to customer decision-making. That is why you need to use brand awareness tools to help you spread the word to as many people as possible.

Luckily, Prince William Pottery can be one of the best brand awareness tools that you can use. We design branded coffee mugs and our business has been around for more than 85 years. For all of that time, we’ve been committed to meeting your deadlines.

Click here to learn more about our branded mugs.


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